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Lung Cancer Awareness Month-November

November is Lung Cancer Awareness month..

"LUNG CANCER FACTS"** One million of the current 5 million lung cancer deaths in world, and 2.41 million in developing countries is contributed by India and, in 2020, this figure is projected at 1.5 million** The number of cases of lung cancer detected every year is 250,000 to 300,000** Approximately 85% of lung cancer patients in India are diagnosed at an advanced stage that is not amenable to surgical intervention.** Lung cancer is fifth most common cancer in India** 40% of patients of lung cancer are less than 50 years of age and 11% are less than 40 years of age** Among the younger patients, lung cancer is commonly misdiagnosed as tuberculosis** Indoor air pollution from use of coal or wood for cooking or heating is a significant lung cancer risk factor for non smoking women (this mostly applies to rural women)** Most lung cancer cases are treated as tuberculosis for varying periods of time before the right diagnosis is made** Several occupational hazards such as exposure to asbestos, arsenic (smelter and vineyard workers are exposed to arsenic), mica, coal & bauxite mining add to the risk of lung cancer...

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