Body,Mind,Soul Magazine Launched
~ A magazine covering the topic Body, Mind, Soul was officially launched in Hausla Conclave 2018 organized by Grameen Sneh...

World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2018 is held on July 30th 2018 annually. People trafficking and modern day slavery is a massive...

A Report-Basic Facts about Cancer
This report contains all the important topic related to cancer such as What is Cancer, Alarming Signs of Cancer ,How Cancer Arises? | How...

One Step towards Cancer Prevention
Grameen Sneh Foundation is organizing One Step towards Cancer Prevention on 16th June 2018 at Assam Association Hall,A Block ,Qutub...

Cyclothon Delhi 2019
Grameen Sneh Foundation will be organizing “Cyclothon Delhi 2019 – Fight against Cancer Campaign” in 1st week of February 2019 from 6.30...

Cervical cancer - An Overview
Cervical cancer arises when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out of control. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into...

Grameen Sneh Foundation gets ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Grameen Sneh Foundation is pleased to announce that it has been approved with ISO 9001:2015 certification

Cyclothan Delhi 2017 – Fight Against Cancer Campaign
Grameen Sneh Foundation is organizing Cyclothan Delhi 2017 – Fight Against Cancer Campaign on 5th November 2017, Sunday from 5:30 AM to...

Red onions may help combat cancer : Research
* Eating red onions may help fight cancer, say scientists including one of Indian origin, paving the way for a natural pill that can...

Cancer Screening and Detection Camp at DoPT
Grameen Sneh Foundation in association with DoPT, Gov of India and Max Hospital,Delhi organised Cancer Screening and Detection Camp on...