Skill Development
One of the major activities of GSF is to promote skill development amongst youths in rural areas of Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand and UP. In order to achieve this, GSF in association with other organisation such as PMKVY, NYKS and other others is working in this field for last 4 years. GSF, Odisha chapter, in association with PMKVY organised several batches of skill development training programme in the year 2015 - 2019. During 2017, 10 batch comprising 281 students were enrolled in Electronic system design and manufacturing sector. Out of this, 204 passed in the exam and several of them got jobs, and are working in this field efficiently and effectively. During 2018, 4 batch comprising 110 students were enrolled in Bihar / Odisha and 98 passed in the exam also. In the year 2020, we are starting skill related activities through DDUGKY, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt of India
Batch at Jajpur, Odisha

Electronic System Design & Manufacturing Sector (Students)